Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Truth About Tuesday

What’s happening?

Already my emails and phone messages have managed to scramble the brains of others. Here’s the straight scoop as I know it. I have a lump. I saw one doctor, a surgeon, an ultra sound technician, a radiologist, a the squish and squeeze woman at the mammogram fun, back to the radiologist, the surgeons and right back to the first doc for a pre-op.

One dear friend—won’t name names, but she’s the wonderful mother of the young artist who created this delightful lion for me said, “Oh no. Oh really.” Her voice raised a notch or two. “They will take it out and then do the autopsy?”

What a hoot. Laughter is the greatest medicine and hopefully, there is no autopsy in sight. She continued, “I mean the ‘B’ word, not the ‘A’ word. Biopsy. Then they do the biopsy, right?”

That’s the plan friends. Yes, surgery Tuesday, biopsy to follow. Day surgery. Fortunately, no one lets you stay in the hospital these days. After all, that’s the place where you pick up nasty germs, even in the most sterile conditions. Besides, with my food allergies I might end up really sick eating hospital food.

I do not plan on working in medical billing next week, but if you want to schedule a Caregiver Seminar, be sure and email me. I still plan on being in Oregon by the end of August.

Watch this space for further developments. I feel quite confident this whole trip will end up with an exciting adventure of some kind.

Still lionhearted and getting more excited by the minute.

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