In spite of where I sit, I interact with my co-workers, hourly. Sometimes more often than I choose. There is no aloneness in my corner. People walk past me to dump their recycle. The comment after their loud thud from the paper dump, “Wanted to wake you.”
There are others that meander past me to the storage cupboard a few feet from my desk, also.Of course I make the trip from the cubicle to the restroom at the opposite end of the building from me. (It must be a mile. It feels like a mile.)
It's my choice to be a "honey bee" buzzing with sweetness or . . . " You fill in the blank.
Although my hallway looks bare, I’m surrounded by needy people. This is my mission field, my Africa, China and India rolled into one. We have young and old, well off, and not too well off, co-workers.
My medical billing position helps pay the rent and buy the groceries. It is more. A few years ago I realized God placed me in this job on purpose. I speak to patients, caregivers, and insurance customer service reps every day. They are more than a voice on the phone, they are people with needs—I can choose to give them only answers to their questions or I can “delight their day” by letting them know I care.
Now my passion in life is to write. I know my written words are read by more people than I can talk to in a year, but isn’t great to know I can find happiness in both places.
Life is a journey filled with choices. I choose to be content in the medical billing world, my little cubicle in the corner—and my office at home. Yeah, I choose to act like the "honey bee," gathering and depositing sweetness wherever I can. . . off to the mission field this morning. Enjoy.
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