Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm a Wannabe Superwoman

HOW DO I FIGURE OUT HOW TO WORK OVERTIME, clean house, keep the kitchen table free from writing trivia, backup the computer, practice music with husband daily, play chess over the evening meal, finish my goals, sleep (what? Who wants to sleep? It is such a time waster). And of course, start each day with the Lord.

Obviously I couldn’t do all the above, but I tried. I kept going for a time, but then I found myself crabby at work. No, I didn’t instigate any discord or spout off with bad words, but I didn’t find the joy in my job.

Before long I realized I had my list backwards. The “And of course, start each day with the Lord” needed to be first on my list and first in my day.

There are those night people who find their quiet time before bed. Me, I’m a morning person. I’m freshest early in the day so I give my freshest bestest me to the Lord and honestly, I do find more minutes in the day.

Never ever understood the tithing principle but I know from experience that when I give 10% off the first of our dollars, God increases the 90% to take care of our needs. It’s the same way with time—give him the best of your hours and He helps you work with greater peace.

Did I say you will be Superwoman? Naw, but try my approach. It works.

Have a peace filled day,

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