Monday, June 16, 2008

When did I start to write?

When did I start to write?

In the seventh grade, a teacher said I had a natural gift for writing. That encouragement never left me, however, being shy and fearful got in the way for many years. When my husband entered full-time ministry, I had open doors of opportunity.

“Honey, we need a newsletter.”

“Honey, we need a church drama.”

“Honey, we need SS materials that fit our particular church needs.”

Then in our first pastorate another preacher’s wife invited me to ‘help her’ write a devotional for the women. My friend did not work fast enough for me so I wrote my own. The women liked the booklet and asked for more.

When we moved to another town, the newspaper asked for a weekly devotional. Husband said, “Honey, you have the gift.” I wrote Sunshine and Smiles for two years. The community enjoyed the column, but when I look at them now I cringe, I used the knowledge I had at the time and God blessed the words.

At that time I met Steve and Janet Bly—they read my work, applauded my efforts, encouraged me and eventually, because of those two generous writers, the Standard published my article Secret Secret Sister. (Spent my first check three times. Grin.)

That is the beginning—my husband is still my biggest encouragement. He is also my WIP—smile.

Kat in Omaha

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